Posts Tagged " groundbreaking "
Evonik holds groundbreaking ceremony for new polyamide 12 powder plant in Marl_by chemwinfo
13 September 2016 ABOUT EVONIK DETAILS Investment amount in the mid-double-digit million euro range Prod...
Baystar Celebrates Groundbreaking for New Borstar® Polyethylene Unit in Pasadena, Texas, USA, by chemwinfo
28 February 2019 ABOUT BAYPORT POLYMERS LLC (BAYSTAR) DETAILS Bayport Polymers LLC (Baystar™), the ...
Mitsui Chemicals held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new plant in Japan to manufacture hydrocarbon-based synthetic fluid primarily used as viscosity modifier, by chemwinfo
26 April 2019 ABOUT MITSUI CHEMICALS Basic Information LUCANT™ is an ethylene/α-olefin oligomer...