Posts Tagged " Chevron "
เชฟรอน และ โทโฮะกุ ทำข้อตกลงซื้อขาย LNG ระยะยาวจากแหล่งก๊าซ Wheatstone ในออสเตรเลีย : Chevron, Tohoku sign agreement on Wheatsone LNG in Australia < LNG off-take agreement 2012>

14 พฤษภาคม 2555 ข้อมูลการทำข้อตกลงซื้อขาย LNG ระยะยาว (Off-take Agreement) ผู้ซื้อ Toho...
เชฟรอน และ เท็ปโก ร่วมลงทุนในแหล่งก๊าซ Wheatstone และทำสํญญาเพิ่มการซื้อขาย LNG ; Chevron and TEPCO sign equity investment in Wheatstone Project and additional LNG sales agreement < LNG Offtake Agreement 2012 >

18 มิถุนายน 2555 ข้อมูลการทำสัญญาซื้อขายก๊าซธรรมชาติเหลวระยะยาว (ซื้อเพิ่ม) ผู้ซื้อ  ...
Chevron Phillips Chemical Expands Mercaptan Capacity in Europe

28 March 2014 Details THE WOODLANDS, TEXAS Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC (Chevron Phillips Chemical) ...
Chevron Phillips Chemical Breaks Ground on Two World-Scale Polyethylene Units for U.S. Gulf Coast Petrochemicals Project

17 June 2014 Details The construction includes two world-scale polyethylene units that will each produce 500,0...
Solvay to buy the PPS (polyphenylene sulphide) business from U.S.-based petrochemical company Chevron Phillips Chemical Company for USD 220 million

Chevron Phillips Chemical completes ethylene expansion at its Sweeny Complex in Old Ocean, Texas_by chemwinfo

11 December 2014 ABOUT CPCHEM DETAILS Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP (Chevron Phillips Chemical) announced...
Chevron Phillips Chemical announces completion of Next-Generation Polyethylene Pilot Plant at its Research and Technology Center in Bartlesville, OK_By Chemwinfo

27 July 2016 ABOUT CHEVRON PHILLIPS CHEMICAL DETAILS Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP (Chevron Phil...
Chevron makes equity investment in Novvi_The market leader of renewable oils_by chemwinfo

14 December 2016 ABOUT AMYRIS ABOUT CHEVRON Chevron is a leading manufacturer of premium base oils and one ...
Chevron Phillips Chemical announces expansion of a low viscosity polyalphaolefins (PAO) Capacity at its Cedar Bayou Plant_ to meet the increasing demand for high-performance lubricants in automotive and industrial applications_by chemwinfo

5 June 2017 ABOUT CHEVRON PHILLIPS CHEMICAL (CPCHEM) DETAILS Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP (Chevron ...
Hanwha Total Petrochemical to expand Its polyethylene production capacity by more than 50% to 1.1 million tons per year by the end of 2019, by chemwinfo

12 December 2017 ABOUT HANWHA TOTAL PETROCHEMICAL DETAILS Hanwha Total Petrochemical, a 50/50 joint vent...