22 February 2019
- Realignment of European production sites
- New logistics center in Weissenstein
- Start of basic planning for
an additional production line in Antwerp
As one of the leading manufacturers of
hydrogen peroxide, Evonik is responding to
the increasing demand for active oxygen.
In addition to increasing production capacity,
this also means providing more efficient
and faster delivery to customers.
Hydrogen peroxide is used in many applications,
two of these are pulp and textile bleaching because of
* its effective cleaning,
* bleaching characteristics
* and its environmentally benign properties.
To meet the steadily increasing customer demand,
Evonik began an extensive program in 2017 to realign
its existing four production sites in Europe:
In addition to
* increasing the production capacity of existing plants,
this also included
* the construction of a new logistics center
at the Weissenstein site in Austria.
Because of the associated business expansion
that include smaller packaging sizes and
an expansion of its services, Evonik is now able
to better meet the increasing demand f
or packaged goods even better
and with additional flexibility.
Evonik is now preparing to set the next milestone.
The company intends to start up
an additional production line
at its site in Antwerp by 2020
and has therefore decided to launch
the necessary basic planning.
The new production line would increase
Evonik’s production capacity in Antwerp by 50%.
With the above-mentioned measures Evonik is proactively
responding to the increasing demands of the market.
Michael Träxler,
Business Line Manager Active Oxygens
"We are seeing a very high and continuous increase
in demand for hydrogen peroxide in the marketplace,
both in traditional applications such as the pulp industry,
and in particular specialty applications such as
food safety or in wastewater treatment,
where hydrogen peroxide is a more
environmentally friendly alternative to other chemicals"
Susanne Reinhart,
General Manager of Active Oxygens EMEA,
"Our goal is to meet the very diverse needs
of our customers in the best possible way
and work together with them
on solution concepts for the future.
We distinguish ourselves above all
by our high delivery reliability
and customer proximity.
With the reorientation in Europe
and the expansion of our production capacities,
we are even better positioned to be able
to answer a wide range of inquiries faster,
more flexibly and we are even closer to our customers."
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