14 June 2018
Protective coatings is the largest application area for DOWANOL* P-Series glycol ethers. Resin manufacturers, coatings formulators, and coatings applicators use these products in protective coatings for industrial, automotive, and architectural applications. The P-Series glycol ethers are widely used with cleaners because they offer an extensive combination of basic physical and performance properties for cleaning formulations. As a result, they are useful in a wide range of applications.
The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) announced
a series of phased, incremental investments
to expand its global glycol ethers capacity
to meet increasing demand
in key end-markets and applications.
Once complete, the Company will have
nearly doubled its current capacity of these product lines.
The Company plans to increase its production capacity of
select p-series and performance glycol ethers product lines,
including DOWANOL™ Glycol Ethers,
through a series of seven debottlenecking
and incremental expansion projects.
These phased investments will begin in 2018
and are expected to continue over the next several years.
The first increments of the new capacity
will become available by end of 2019.
Demand for glycol ethers continues to rise
as a result of
* urbanization,
* a growing middle class,
* evolving and stricter regulations
* and increasing sustainability challenges.
Glycol ethers are used in a variety of applications
to help deliver improved performance
and reduced health and environmental impacts
of the end products.
Ester Baiget,
Business President for Dow Industrial Solutions
“Our announcement to increase glycol ethers capacity
reflects our long term commitment to these product lines
and the industries that utilize them,”
“These developments will continue
to position Dow as the most reliable
and customer-centric of all global suppliers.”
For further information contact:
Jarrod Erpelding
Corporate Media
Kayla Susko
Industrial Solutions