5 July 2017
Evonik Industries AG will combine
its isophorone chemistry and epoxy curing agents business
in the new Crosslinkers Business Line effective July 1, 2017.
The newly formed Business Line,
headed by Min Chong,
will be part of
the Resource Efficiency Segment.
With the acquisition of
* Air Products' epoxy curing agents business and
* Evonik's long-time experience in isophorone chemistry,
Evonik has a very broad technology platform
and expertise in crosslinker technology.
The new Crosslinkers Business Line offers
a broad range of products and competencies
for coatings and adhesives,
civil engineering as well as
for high-performance elastomers and composites.
Evonik is the pioneer in isophorone chemistry
and covers the entire value chain:
isophorone, diamine, as well as
di-isocyanate and polyisocyanate.
Additionally, the product portfolio contains
a full tool box of amine curing agents
for ambient and heat cure applications.
The products are mainly used in industrial applications
due to their mechanical strength, durability,
chemical resistance and excellent adhesion properties.
The business line has
a total of about 1,000 employees worldwide.
Production facilities
in Europe, North America, and Asia
ensure optimal proximity to markets and customers
and open up attractive growth opportunities.
Dr. Claus Rettig,
Chairman of the Board of Management,
Evonik Resource Efficiency GmbH
“Combining both businesses into one new unit
gives Evonik the chance to offer
a variety of products for epoxy and polyurethane applications
under one roof now –
be it basic amines, isocyanate monomers,
polyisocyanates or formulated epoxy hardeners,”
Min Chong,
head of the new Business Line Crosslinkers
“Apart from the organizational change, safety
and meeting the needs of our customers
continues to remain our first priority,”
“We see ourselves as a partner; interested in developing
next-generation product solutions together with our customers.
A broad technology platform serves as
the basis for further growth and successful collaboration.”
- Media Relations
- Robert Brown
- +1 973 929-8812