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ExxonMobil Chemical to Expand Global Hydrocarbon Fluids Capacity by 250,000 Tons Per Year_by chemwinfo

ExxonMobil Chemical to Expand Global Hydrocarbon Fluids Capacity by 250,000 Tons Per Year_by chemwinfo

27 March 2017




  • Capacity expansions underway
    at world-scale petrochemical facilities in
    Antwerp, Belgium;
    Baytown, Texas; and
    Jurong Island, Singapore

  • Expansions to provide higher volumes of
    the ExxsolTM series of differentiated fluids

  • Full capacity expected to be online by early 2019

ExxonMobil Chemical Company,

a division of Exxon Mobil Corporation,

announced today that it is expanding

the capacity of its global hydrocarbon fluid assets

by more than 250,000 tons per year

at its world-scale petrochemical sites in

* Antwerp, Belgium;

* Baytown, Texas; and

* Jurong Island, Singapore.

The capacity expansions will help the company

produce higher volumes of

its ExxsolTM series of differentiated fluids,

as well as

a broader portfolio of hydrocarbon fluids

such as Isopar™ and Solvesso™.

Demand for hydrocarbon fluids is increasing globally

due to

* strong growth in the industrial sector,

* coupled with the need to comply

   with health, safety and environmental regulations

   such as the Globally Harmonized System

   of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals.

The latest capacity expansions

follow a series of investments made by

ExxonMobil Chemical in Europe and Singapore

over the past two years, including

* the startup of an Isopar production unit 

   at its petrochemical complex in Fawley, UK.

According to Joshi, more than 60 percent

of the additional hydrocarbon fluid capacity

is already online, with the remaining amount

expected by early 2019.

ExxonMobil Chemical offers

a broad portfolio of differentiated hydrocarbon fluids

specifically designed for a wide range of applications


* drilling mud oil, mining, agricultural chemicals,

* metal working, polymerization process,

* water treatment, adhesives, coatings

* and reprographics.

Prasanna Joshi,

Global Fluids Marketing Manager

at ExxonMobil Chemical Company

“As a leading global supplier of petrochemical products,

 ExxonMobil Chemical is committed to meeting

 the growing global demand

 for high-performance modern hydrocarbon fluids,"

“We understand the strategic importance

 of developing differentiated products

 that both provide our customers 

 with customized solutions

 to meet their application needs,

 as well as maximize shareholder value.”

“We are especially proud that

 we have been able to leverage our integrated,

 world-class fluids manufacturing capabilities

 to carry out these expansions,”

“We are capitalizing on our global resources

 to better serve the needs of our customers

 – reliably and efficiently.”



ExxonMobil Chemical Company

Media Line: (832) 625-4000


Tags : ExxonMobil Chemical to Expand Global Hydrocarbon Fluids Capacity by 250 000 Tons Per Year_by chemwinfo


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พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

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