16 March 2017
Oxea has started the construction
of a new world-scale propanol unit
at its production site
at Bay City, Texas, USA.
The new unit “Propanol 2” is scheduled
to come on stream in 2018.
Once commissioned, it will add a capacity of
* 100,000 mt/year of propanol and
* 40,000 mt/year of propionaldehyde.
Propanol is used to manufacture products
mainly ending up in
* printing inks, coatings, adhesives,
* and pharmaceuticals applications.
Propionaldehyde finds uses in
* pharmaceutical applications and
* the production of food preservatives,
* plasticizers, plastics, and rubber chemicals.
As Oxea is finalizing
the detailed engineering phase,
construction of the new plant
has commenced.
Site preparation, including demolition
of existing foundations
from previously retired equipment,
and the construction of temporary
project facilities has been completed.
Current activities are focused on
starting the execution of
civil construction and
completing the bid processes
for the remaining construction work,
primarily mechanical,
and instrumentation and electrical.
Oxea has awarded
the construction management contract
for the Propanol 2 project to
Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc.,
one of the world’s largest
and most diverse providers
of full-spectrum technical,
professional and construction services
for the industry.
Jacobs’ services include
delivering pre-construction planning
and construction management services.
Salim Al Huthaili
Oxea’s CEO
“This capacity increase
is another excellent example
of our strong commitment
to supporting our customers
with sufficient and reliable supplies,”
“To continue as a profitable
and sustainable company,
we are significantly investing in
our production platforms and continuously
seeking opportunities
to differentiate ourselves.
We aim for further expansion
of our portfolio and growth
in volumes over the coming period,”
Media contact
Rheinpromenade 4a,
D-40789 Monheim am Rhein,
Thorsten Ostermann,
Communications and Press Relations
Phone: +49 (0)2173 9993-3009
Otto-Roelen-Str. 3,