3 October 2016
has decided to further advance the global development
of its polypropylene (PP) compound business
by establishing a new marketing base in Mexico
and providing manufacturing capabilities in India.
These moves represent a significant step forward
for the Company's strategic initiatives
to strengthen its PP business worldwide.
PP compounds are high-performance materials
made by kneading synthetic rubber, glass fibers,
and inorganic fillers into PP to improve
or vary such parameters as
impact resistance and functionalities
according to target applications,
e.g. automobile bumpers, interiors
and household electrical appliances.
Sumitomo Chemical is engaged in
PP compounds operations
at various locations around the world,
fully leveraging the Company's distinct
strength of wide feedstock availability
via a network of PP manufacturing strongholds in
Japan, Singapore, and Saudi Arabia,
which amount to the production capacity
of approximately 1.7 million tons per year in total.
Sumitomo Chemical thus far has sold PP compounds
in Mexico through its U.S. subsidiary company.
In light of rapidly growing automotive production
and expecting an unabated strong demand
for PP compounds in the years to come,
the Company recently established
Sumika Polymers Mexico
as a local marketing arm,
which began operations in October 2016.
In India, Sumitomo Chemical had set up
Sumika Polymer Compounds India in 2013,
which has since been selling PP compounds successfully.
Given the solid growth of demand,
the Indian affiliate's operation was strengthened
with production capabilities newly equipped,
and the company held an inauguration ceremony
for the production facilities in September, 2016.