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Cathay Industrial Biotech Ltd. announces a significant expansion in their production capability for bio-produced long chain dibasic acids (LCDA) and ground-breaking of production facility for bio-pentanediamine (DN5), and bio-polyamide (bio-PA)_by chemwinfo

Cathay Industrial Biotech Ltd. announces a significant expansion in their production capability for bio-produced long chain dibasic acids (LCDA) and ground-breaking of production facility for bio-pentanediamine (DN5), and bio-polyamide (bio-PA)_by chemwinfo

22 June 2016


Dibasic Acids (Dicarboxylic Acids)

1,5-pentamethylene diamine

renewable polyamide

green polyamides


% renewable

Polyamide 56  45%
Polyamide 510  100%
Polyamide 511  31%
Polyamide 512  29-100%
Polyamide 513  28-100%
Polyamide 514  26-100%


Cathay Industrial Biotech Ltd. (Cathay),

a leading privately-held industrial

biotechnology company focused on

producing specialty bio-based chemicals, announced

a ground-breaking and agreement signing to initiate

a significant expansion in their production capability for

* bio-produced long chain dibasic acids (LCDA)

and ground-breaking of production facility for

* bio-pentanediamine (DN5), and

* bio-polyamide (bio-PA).

Cathay currently has production assets in

Jinxiang, Shandong province

with a production line of LCDA,

multi-thousands tons of DN5 and bio-PA.

The ground-breaking will be to recognize

the beginning of construction for production assets

announced on December 14, 2015.

This agreement signing will initiate

a new investment of LCDA and

associated long chain polyamides.

This new production facility in Wusu, Xinjiang province

is anticipated to provide

* a significant expansion to LCDA production plus

* an additional 500 kilotons (KT) of PDA,

* 1,000 KT of polyamide 56, and

* 150 KT of long chain polyamides.

The initial phase of this project,

with investment of over $500 million,

anticipated to be complete by May 2017,

will provide

* 50 KT of DN5,

* 100 KT of bio-PA and

* double the current capacity for LCDA.

After over a decade of research,

Cathay is the first in the world to commercialize

a new bio-based monomer of polyamides

for the textile and engineering polymer market.

DN5 is produced by Cathay

by converting starch

from natural biological sources,

including biomass.

Since 2003, Cathay has been producing LCDAs

by converting vegetable oils, or

hydrocarbon fractions from oil or coal,

via fermentation.

Polymerizing these two monomers provide

a broad array of bio-based polyamides, including

* PA 56, PA 511 and PA512,

with unique and new performance characteristics.

This new technology reduces both dependence upon oil

and environmental impact in the production of polyamides.

It has also been recognized and affirmed

for rapid development by many governmental

and technology associations including

* the China Ministry of Industry,

* the China Textile Association,

* the China Chemical Fiber Association among others.

These new technologies have also been recognized

as China's "Strategic Emerging Industries."

Cathay's trademarks for new polyamides,

Terryl® and Ecopent™,

deliver a unique softness, inherent flame retardance,

good moisture absorption, high strength and wearability,

plus ease of dying and spinning.

These features also provide a very favorable synergy

when blended with wools, cotton, polyesters

and other fibers, not only in cost savings,

but delivering high performance, feel

and appearance attributes associated with

much more expensive alternatives.

Dr. Xiucai Liu,

Cathay's CEO

"Doubling our LCDA capacity provides supply security

 for customers and meets

 the demands of new markets that

 Cathay has recently developed,"

 "Customer response has been overwhelming

  for the new bio-based materials.

  The value of these new products is very clear and

  Cathay is eager to work closely with

  selected downstream partners

  to deliver this value to the market."

Cathay has developed and commercialized

bio-production technology for

* long chain diacids,

* bio-butanol and now

* 1,5-pentanediamine (DN-5).

Cathay has the distinction of being

the first, and currently only,

industrial biotechnology company

to gain a dominating share of a global market

from the chemically produced incumbents.


SOURCE Cathay Industrial Biotech, Ltd


Tags : Cathay Industrial Biotech Ltd. announces a significant expansion in their production capability for bio-produced long chain dibasic acids (LCDA) and ground-breaking of production facility for bio-pentanediamine (DN5)  and bio-polyamide (bio-PA)_by chemwin


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พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

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