30 May 2016
LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) today announced
that Bolivia's state-owned petrochemical company,
Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB),
has selected LyondellBasell 5th Generation
Spheripol polypropylene process technology
for a 250 KT per year plant
in Tarija, Plurinational State of Bolivia.
Mario Salazar Gonzales,
Petrochemical Plants Manager at YPFB
“We selected the Spheripolprocess
for Bolivia’s first polymer plant
because of its superior economics, proven track record
and broad product slate.”
Dan Coombs,
Executive Vice President
of Global Olefins & Polyolefins and Technology
at LyondellBasell
“The Spheripol process is the most widely practiced
polypropylene technology in the world
and is well established in Latin America,”
“Customers appreciate the Spheripol process’s
track record of high plant operability, leading operating cost,
excellent product properties and
the ability to make rapid grade changes.”
LyondellBasell is a leading licensor
of polypropylene and polyethylene technologies
with more than 250 polyolefin process licenses.
Spheripol is the leading polypropylene process technology
with more than 22 million tons of licensed capacity.