28 March 2016
Sadara Basic Services Company,
which is indirectly owned 100% by
Sadara Chemical Company (Sadara),
announced yesterday that
analysis of the performance test results of
Saudi Butanol Company (SaBuCo) have concluded.
These results show that the plant has met
the requirements for commencing commercial operations.
Commencement of commercial operations
follows the successful testing of the plant equipment
and production efficiency in accordance
with the technology licenses and implementation contracts.
SaBuCo is a joint venture company established by
* Sadara,
* Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Company and
for the purposes of owning a butanol production plant
with a nameplate capacity of 330,000 metric tons
of butanol products per year.
The butanol produced will be distributed to the partners
in accordance with the tolling and processing agreement
entered into by the partners
For further information,
please contact:
Sami Amin
External Communications Manager
Mobile: +966501922155
Email: Sami.Amin@Sadara.com
Website: www.sadara.com