27 November 2015
is expanding the compounding capacities
for engineering plastics in Europe.
Presumably from 2017 it will be possible to additionally
produce up to 70,000 metric tons per year of
Ultramid® (PA: polyamide) and
Ultradur® (PBT: polybutylene terephthalate)
at the Schwarzheide site, Germany.
Around 50 new jobs will be created.
This is another step in the capacity expansions
which BASF is undertaking because of
the increasing demand for engineering plastics around the world.
BASF’s global compounding capacity for PA and PBT
will then be more than 700,000 metric tons per year.
The engineering plastics Ultramid® and Ultradur®
are processed into high-performance components in
* the automotive industry,
* the electrical and electronics sector as well as in
* in the construction and furniture industries.
Examples of such components are
car seat structures, oil pans, engine mounts,
sensors and connectors, chairs and fixings.
The current innovations include
* the world’s first rear axle transmission cross beam
in the Mercedes S-class,
* the Belleville design chair from Vitra, and also
* power semiconductor modules from the company Semikron.
Already in the middle of this year,
BASF in Shanghai
more than doubled its compounding capacities
for the two materials and also increased the capacities for
thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU).
Contact BASF
Financial press :
Bernhard Thier
Phone: +32 2 7400-361
Trade press:
Richard Amberger
Phone: +49 621 60-46910