28 October 2015
(Tokyo, Japan; President & CEO: Tsutomu Tannowa)
celebrated the official launch of
its new manufacturing and sales company
for performance compounds,
Mitsui Chemicals Functional Composites (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
(Chairman: Hidenori Yagasaki, “MFS”)
with an opening ceremony on October 27th.
MFS is strategically situated in Eastern China and
targets the capture of China’s
rapidly growing automotive and packaging material markets.
Leveraging the company’s advantages, this March
the company commenced manufacture and sales of
a thermoplastic elastomer used in automotive window frames
and as interior material, and
an adhesive polyolefin used in automotive fuel tanks
and food packaging materials.
The Mitsui Chemicals Group, through
Mitsui Chemicals Functional Composites (Shanghai) operations,
will expand manufacturing, sales, and technical services
for its high quality products,
to further strengthen and expand its compound business.