30 September 2015
Proportion of women in leadership
to match percentage of women
in BASF’s workforce by 2021
Continued focus on
international experience of senior executives
BASF has set itself global goals
for the promotion of diversity in its management team.
By 2021, the company aims to raise
the overall proportion of women
in positions with disciplinary leadership responsibilities
from today’s 19% to 22%–24% globally,
a share that reflects the percentage of women
in BASF’s global workforce.
In light of the relatively low turnover rate
in the BASF Group’s leadership team, this is an ambitious goal.
Around the world, BASF also wants to further increase
the number of senior executives
from countries other than Germany.
This proportion was at 34% at the end of 2014.
Furthermore, BASF wants to maintain
its number of senior executives
with international experience at over 80%, a goal
the company has already surpassed,
achieving a proportion of 83% by the end of 2014.
With these goals, BASF is advancing
its globally integrated approach
to promoting diversity and developing its leaders.
BASF has already been fostering
different dimensions of diversity
through a range of measures worldwide for over ten years.
Contact BASF
Sabrina van der Pütten
Tel : +49 621 60-71233