22 July 2015
2014 key figures
World number one supplier of hydrogen peroxide
18 industrial sites
Main markets for Hydrogen Peroxide
Pulp, Chemicals, Food & Feed, Water treatment, Mining,
Textile, Home Care
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)
is mainly used by the paper industry to bleach pulp.
Its properties are also of interest to many markets like
chemicals, food, textiles and the environment.
The world leader in this technology,
Peroxides develops innovative applications and processes
for these market segments. Its business is benefiting
from the high consumption of paper pulp and
from worldwide demand for high-added-value specialty derivatives.
Innovation capacity and agility are two of GBU Peroxides’ strengths.
Thus, to meet the expectations of its customers
in more remote areas (including South America),
it rolled out in 2013 a new concept of
to be located at customers’ manufacturing plants.
Growing industrial demand for propylene oxide*
is another growth driver: the GBU is leveraging here
its unique expertise in building
mega plants
producing H2O2 as feedstock for propylene oxide
in the framework of HPPO
(Hydrogen Peroxide to Propylene Oxide) partnerships.
* An intermediate in the manufacture of polyurethane,
a polymer widely used in many consumer products and
industrial applications.
ABOUT Solvay Hydrogen Peroxide Production Technology
Solvay’s myH2O2® Satellite Peroxide production units’
unique performance for
safe, reliable and competitive operation originates
from multiple patented innovations in process intensification
and in compact, skid-mounted design.
The myH2O2 Satellite Peroxide Production™ units
are constructed with
unique Solvay technology & design,
tailored to the customers’ needs.
Inside Battery Limits components and process areas
for a safe, robust and reliably operating
myH2O2 Satellite Peroxide Production™ unit.
1. Synthesis unit
2. Storage tanks
3. Cooling tower
4. Tech room / DCS / MCC / substation / office
5. Effluent pit
6. Air compressor
Read more Hydrogen Peroxide Plant Design
Read more Hydrogen Peroxide Supply Chain