29 May 2015
Excellent Financial Performance
Aggregate volume growth of 3.5%, including higher
volumes in all major regions
Record adjusted EPS up 27% versus previous year
Record earnings in each region, including a 21% increase
in European results
PPG Portfolio shift, Coating growth = About 155 %
Representing 93% of portfolio
Acquisitions contribute to sales growth
PPG portfolio shift to higher growth coatings end-use markets
PPG's transformation
PPG improved geographic profile with growing emerging regions
2005 PPG sales in Emerging regions = 8%
2014 PPG sales in Emerging regions = 22 %
PPG global market position
PPG is the only company with participation in all end-use markets
PPG remains a margin leader in the coatings sector
2014 Full Year EBITDA as % of sales
PPG Total = 15.7 %
PPG Coatings Segment = 17.9 %
PPG Full-Year Earnings
PPG Full-Year Regional Performance
PPG adjusted Earnings per share trend
PPG Strong cash position remains
PPG Return on Capital (adjusted) for 2014 = 16.0 %