25 August 2014
announced today plans to build a world scale
PO/TBA plant
on the U.S. Gulf Coast with an annual capacity of
* 900 million pounds of propylene oxide (PO) and
* 2 billion pounds of tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) and
its derivatives.
The preliminary timetable is to
have the plant operational in 2019.
The project is expected to generate up to
1,200 construction jobs at its peak.
The plant is expected to sell PO in the global marketplace
to meet growing demand for polyurethanes,
which are used primarily for the manufacture of
bedding, furniture, carpets and car seats.
TBA and its derivatives will be sold to meet
the need for high octane gasoline blending components
as well as for use in manufacturing
synthetic rubber and lubricant additives.
Pat Quarles,
LyondellBasell Senior Vice President of
Intermediates and Derivatives.
"While we have not finalized the exact location of the plant,
the abundant natural gas liquids associated
with shale gas make the U.S. Gulf Coast
an advantaged feedstock region,"
"This project combines
our leading proprietary PO/TBA technology
with low cost feedstock and
demonstrates our continued commitment to
capturing maximum advantage of market opportunities."