23 May 2014
the Parliamentary Secretary of State
to the Federal Transport Minister,
Katherina Reiche,
refuelled a fuel cell vehicle for the first time
at the “Green Hydrogen Hub” (H2BER)
of the TOTAL multi-energy fuelling station
at Berlin-Schoenefeld.
Hydrogen (H2) produced
from wind power and solar energy
supports cross-system
networking of renewable energy
from the electricity, heating and gas markets right
through to the transport sector.
* Over 10 million Euros total investment
by the project partners
TOTAL Deutschland GmbH, Linde AG,
McPhy S.A., ENERTRAG AG and 2G Energy AG
* 5 million Euros of public funding
in the “50 petrol stations programme“
launched by the Federal Ministry of Transport
in collaboration with the industry
* Regionally-produced “green” hydrogen
as key technology of the German Energiewende