10 May 2014
These skid-mounted modular plants
can be rapidly deployed and
are capable of producing
between 3,000 – 10,000 gallons per day of
ultra-clean synthetic fuels and chemicals
from natural gas or methane-rich “waste gas”.
Maverick has the exclusive rights
to sell and deploy these factory-built plants
that convert potent greenhouse gases
into guaranteed quantities of methanol.
Methane-rich waste gas originates
from numerous sources including
* oil and gas fields (associated or flare gas),
* landfills,
* wastewater treatment plants and
* anaerobic digesters associated with
agricultural waste disposal.
The production of several thousands of gallons
a day of locally-usable methanol or
transportation fuels is possible
using Maverick’s proprietary technology
in skid-mounted plants co-located
at these gas sources.
Converting methane gas to methanol liquid
is one component of
Maverick’s “hub and spoke”
distributed production strategy that
builds on Maverick’s patented Olefinity™ technology.
produced at small-scale GTL plants (“spokes”)
located at the waste gas source is easily transportable
where it can be converted to higher value products
such as clean transportation fuels,
and specialty chemicals like
propylene, using Maverick’s olefins based processes.
This approach significantly reduces capital requirements
for converting low-value feedstocks
such as waste methane into higher value products.
About Spoke & Hub Distributed Production
About Maverick Synfuel's Patented Olefinity™ Process