24 April 2013
Rennovia has been identified in an IHS report as
the leading prospect for cost advantaged
bio-based adipic acid production vs. conventional
petroleum-based processes based on oxidation of cyclohexane,
and more recently described processes employing fermentation.
Both Rennovia process and fermentation processes
have yet to be scaled to commercial plants
introducing some inherent uncertainties in
the technical and economic analyses.
The IHS Chemical Economics Program (PEP)
Report #284 Bio-based Adipic Acid concluded that
Rennovia's process offers lower projected cash and
full production cost than
the current, dominant petroleum-based process,
and potential fermentation process proposed
to be under development.
About Rennovia's bio-based adipic acid process
Rennovia's adipic acid process
employs proprietary catalyst technology
developed using advanced high-throughput
catalyst discovery and development platform.
Currently operting more-than a year at pilot scale.
Rennovia has targeted
* demonstration scale-production of
bio-based adipic acid in 2014 and
* anticipates first commercial-scale production in 2018.
In addition to the prospects of significantly reduced
production and capital costs.
Rennovia's renewable adipic process is projected to
reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by over 85 %
compared with current petrochemical process technology.
- This study provides an external prospective consistent with
company's view that Rennovia's chemical catalytic,
bio-based adipic acid process is capable of offering
* lower production costs.
* lower per-pound capital requirements and
* a more environmentally-friendly manufacturing process,
when compared to conventional petrochemical process and
currently recognized fermentation processes.
About Adipic Acid
- Global producion of Adipic acid is over
6 billion pound per year,
from petroleum-derived benzene,
with a Global market of over 6 billion USD.
- Adipic acid is used in the production of Nylon 6,6
for resin and fiber applications,
for polyurethanes and
for non-phthalates plasticizers
- This materials are used in a wide range of
consumer goods, including interior and exterior and
under-the-hood automotive parts, coatings,
adhesives, tires, shoes, apparel and carpeting.