28 March 2013
Overview of a new company
Company Sumitomo Chemical (Asia Pacific) Pte Ltd
Establishement March 2013
Location Singapore
Capital 4 million USD.
Territories Southeast Asia, India and Oceania
* Performing a regional representive function
* Supporting group companies in their business planning
* Providing specialized services for business operations
of the Group companies.
Background and Reasons
* Sumitomo Chemical has actively expanded its business
activities in the region over the years,
* Notably through the petrochemical complex project
in Singapore since 1984.
* At present, 22 companies of Sumitomo Chemical Group
are operating in 8 countries in this region postioned as
an important stronghold for Sumitomo Chemical
in advancing global business management
* The region, which includes Southeast Asia
with a population of over 600 million and
a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of about 2 trillion dollars,
is expected to grow further in the future,
driven by continued development of vaious
economics initiatives cooperation among countries
and areas in and out side the region.
* Given the prospects, Sumitomo Chemical has decided to
establish Regional Headquartes anew in Singapore
that will support the company's developments
in this high-growth region by
securing capturing emerging business opportunities,
accelarating exploitation of new business undertakings
and serving to have various business operations implemented
more efficiently and effectively.