4 March 2013
About Celanese Technology
Celanese has an innovative ethanol production technology
helping countries that seek diverse,
secure transportation fuel meet their growing needs by
converting domestic natural gas and coal feedstocks
to liquid fuel.
About MOU
Celanese Corporation
announced it signed a
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with
Pertamina ,
the state-owned energy company of the Republic of Indonesia,
and will begin detailed project planning phase
for the development of fuel ethanol project
in Indonesia.
Celanese and Pertamina have successfully completed
the objectives of the previously announced
joint statement of cooperation, which included
* identifying potential production locations,
* confirming coal supply options
* developing an ethanol distribution strategy.
Celanese and Pertamina will
* select the first production locations,
* initiate project permitting, and
* negotiate coal supply and
other industrial partner agreements.
The MOU oultines the parties' intentions to
* establish a joint venture partnership under
which Celanese would maintain a majority share
* and would license its leading technology to
the joint venture under
a separate technology licensing agreement.
Celanese and Pertamina
* expect to complete this phase of the MOU
by the end of 2013 and
* expect production of fuel grade ethanol to begin
approximately 30 months after final investment decisions
by each company and receiving all necessary
government approvals
The detailed financial terms of the joint venture partnership
and licensing arrangement have not been finalized; however,
the capital investment and financial returns for
the venture are expected to be consistent with
those previously announced by
Celanese for fuel ethanol projects.
- The development of ethanol business is in line with
the Government of the Republic of Indonesia's policy
to implement Indonesian target in Energy Mix 2025.
- This initiative has triggered Pertamina,
the National Energy Company of Indonesia,
to develop clean, renewable energy and
new energy for diversification,
- By increasing the contribution from
gas and other non-fossil energy contribution,
as well as liquefaction coal
which is targeted to contribute about 2 percent by 2025.
- To meet this goal, Pertamina partner with Celanese on the
development and application of new forms of energy,
such as synthetic fuel ethanol.