4 February 2013
ETH Biogenergia of Brazil and
Inbiocon of Denmark
announced the signing of cooperation agreement
to combine their competencies to introduce
2nd generation bioethanol technology
into Brazilian market.
The first ETH-Inbicon facility is expected
to start up in 2015
with the potential perspective to rapidly expand into
the Brazilian market with further consolidate
the concept of fully integrated biorefinery.
About ETH Bioenergia
- A company ,
controlled by Oderbrecht Organization,
is a leading ethanol and bioelectricity producer in Brazil
with nine state of the art operating mills
- The joint ETH-Inbicon technology will open access to
more sustainable and competitive
biofuels and bio-based chemicals.
- The combination of Inbicon's experience
on the conversion of lignocellulosic feedstocks
to ethanol and other products and
ETH's background on the design and operation of
sugarcane mills and ethanol chemical processes
will result in a new business opportunity
that will add value to biomass.
About Inbicon
- A company,
fully owned by Dong Energy,
is a leading provider of technology for
the production of 2nd generation ethanol
with several years of experience on the operation of
semi-industrial scale demonstartion plant in Denmark.
About the cooperation programs
- The cooperation programs will combine
ETH's industrial, market and innovation expertise with
Inbicon technology and know-how to form a strong
partnership to bring 2nd generation ethanol technology
into the sugarcane sector.
- This partnership will speed up the deployment of
technologies to produce ethanol and other products
from lignocellulosic feedstock such as bagasses.
- The aim is
* to introduce the new technology in facilities
owned by ETH and
* to offer a very competitive and integrated solution to
other ethanol and sugar producers in Brazil.
- The first phase of the cooperation agreement
covers among other points
* a joint investigation on the feasibility study to
produce ethanol from local sugarcane residues by
utilizing the Inbicon technology integrated with
existing sugarcane based ethanol production plants.