12 มีนาคม 2555
ผู้รับงาน The Shaw Group Inc. /สหรัฐอเมริกา
ผู้จ้างงาน IRPC
ที่ตั้ง Rayong, Thailand
ขอบเขต process design and technology license
เนื้องาน addition of a 30,000 barrels per day
deep catalytic cracking (DCC) unit to
IRPC's 215,000 barrels per day refinery
ประโยชน์ต่อ IRPC (Benefit of upgrade project)
The upgrade project will
- maximize the production of polymer grade polypropylene and
- recovery of polymer-grade ethylene to be used as feedstock
for petrochemical derivative units at the same time
ผลงานของ Shaw ด้าน DCC
- Shaw is the exclusive licensed provide of DCC technoloy outside China
- Shaw and together with the technology's developer ,
SINOPEC Research Institue of Petroleum Processing in PRC,
has licesed at total of 16 DCC units
- The first DCC complex designed and engineered by Shaw was
successfully commissioned in 1997 at this same site in Thailand for
TPI (Thai Petrochemical Industries), the previous name of IRPC
- Provide technolgy for world's largest DCC units
( producing more than 900,00 tons per year of propylene)
for a grassroot high olefins fluid catalytic cracking project in
the Middle East