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พีพีจี ออกสีฝุ่นชนิดใหม่ในตลาดอเมริกาเหนือ PPG Introduces PPG ENVIROCRON Extreme Protection Edge Powder Coatings for Corrosion Protection

พีพีจี ออกสีฝุ่นชนิดใหม่ในตลาดอเมริกาเหนือ PPG Introduces PPG ENVIROCRON Extreme Protection Edge Powder Coatings for Corrosion Protection

5 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2562

เกี่ยวกับ พีพีจี


First-of-its-kind technology offers one-coat edge protection

for metal parts subjected to extreme environments


PPG (NYSE:PPG) today announced the launch of

PPG ENVIROCRON™ Extreme Protection Edge coatings,

which use a patent-pending,

advanced powder coatings technology that delivers

exceptional edge corrosion protection in one coat.

Specially formulated to cover sharp edges

created during metal fabrication,

this innovative technology provides coverage

that far surpasses

standard one-coat and two-coat powder systems.

PPG Envirocron Extreme Protection Edge powder coatings

mark a significant technical advancement

in edge coverage, offering applicators

a competitive advantage in protecting

the most vulnerable areas of metal exposed

to corrosive conditions.

The direct-to-metal coatings are fully reclaimable

and deliver significant savings

in material, labor, utilities and time.

PPG Envirocron Extreme Protection Edge powder coatings

require no primer, and applicators do not need

to modify their existing coatings lines or add equipment

to use this new solution.

Applicators also can save capital costs

by avoiding the need to finish edges

with mechanical edge rounding or blasting equipment.

Longer term, PPG Envirocron Extreme Protection Edge

powder coatings have the potential

to reduce warranty claims and improve resale value

by extending the product lifecycle.

PPG Envirocron Extreme Protection Edge powder coatings

add industry-changing performance to the company’s

existing world-class polyester powder coatings technology,

which has provided decades of field-proven environmental

and corrosion resistance.

The new coatings are available

in a full range of standard and custom-matched colors,

including mica and metallics, and can be applied

using manual and automatic powder coating systems.

For more information about

PPG Envirocron Extreme Protection Edge powder coatings,


call 1-800-258-6398 or follow PPG on LinkedIn.


Shelley Verdun,

PPG global product manager, powder coatings

“Combining uniform edge coverage

 and exceptional corrosion protection

 in a primerless, one-coat system is a challenge

 that coatings manufacturers have been facing for many years,”

“PPG Envirocron Extreme Protection Edgepowder coatings

 are the first one-coat product

 to successfully unite these characteristics,

 offering customers a range of benefits

 and benchmark performance

 that cannot be replicated by any other coating on the market.”



PPG Media Contact: 
Jamie Cowden
Industrial Coatings
+1 412-434-3082


Tags : พีพีจี  ออก สี ฝุ่น ชนิด ใหม่ ใน ตลาด อเมริกา เหนือ  PPG  Introduces  PPG  ENVIROCRON  Extreme  Protection  Edge  Powder  Coatings  for  Corrosion  Protection  by  chemwinfo


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