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เอฟแอลเอ็นจี_FLNG_Shell lays keel for Prelude FLNG_the World first floating LNG project

เอฟแอลเอ็นจี_FLNG_Shell lays keel for Prelude FLNG_the World first floating LNG project

8 May 2013


Shell has laid the keel for Prelude FLNG,

the World's first floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) project.

When complete, Prelude FLNG is expected to be

the largest offshore floating facility ever built.

The hull will now be assembled in the dry dock,

before the turret and topsides are fitted at

Samsung Heavy Industries' Geoje shipyard in South Korea.

About FLNG (Floating liquefied natural gas)

- FLNG is a revolutionary technology developed by Shell and 

  has the potential to change the way the natural gas is produced.

- FLNG will enable the development of gas resources ranging from

  clusters of smaller more remote filed to potentially larger fields

  via multiple facilities where, for a range of reasons,

  an onshore development is not viable.

- This mean faster, cheaper, more flexible development and

  deployment strategies for

  resources that were previously uneconomic, or

  constrained by technical or other risks.

- FLNG will allow Shell to

  * produce natural gas at sea,

  * turn it into liquefied natural gas (LNG) and then

  * transfer LNG directly to the ships that will

  * transport LNG to customers .

- Shell is leading the delivery of this mega project,

  working with long-term strategic partners

  Technip and Samsung Heavy Industries

  (the Technip Samsung Consortium).

- Prelude FLNG is the first of what is expected to be

  multiple Shell FLNG projects.

- The experience gained from the Prelude project will help

   develop potential future floating facilities.

About Prelude FLNG project

- The first site to use Shell's FLNG will be the Prelude gas field,

  200 kilometres (around 25 miles) off Australia's north-west coast.

  Browse Basin, Australia

- The Prelude FLNG facility will produce

  at least 5.3 million tons per annum (mtpa) of liquids

  * 3.6 mtpa of LNG (Liquefied natural gas)

  * 0.4 mtpa of LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas)

  * 1.3 mtpa of condensate (equivalent to 35,000 bbl/day)

Since 2012,

  * Australia subsidiaries of INPEX Corporation (17.5%),

  * Korea Gas Corporation (10 %) and

  * CPC Corporation (5%)

  have joined the Prelude FLNG project. Shell holds 67.5 % interest.

- Shell has started to build the organizational capacity in Australia

  to support the installation and operational phases.

  Deliveries of equipment to support the drilling operations are under way

  and Shell has awarded the contract for the Prelude supply base in Darwin,

  while the recruitment of operations staff began in March 203.


Tags : เอฟแอลเอ็นจี_FLNG_Shell lays keel for Prelude FLNG_the World first floating LNG project


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