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Tecnimont S.p.A. has been awarded an EPC contract by Abu Dhabi Polymer Company (Borouge) for a new polypropylene unit (PP5 Project) in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, in the UAE, by chemwinfo

Tecnimont S.p.A. has been awarded an EPC contract by Abu Dhabi Polymer Company (Borouge) for a new polypropylene unit (PP5 Project) in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, in the UAE, by chemwinfo

13 July 2018




Maire Tecnimont S.p.A.

announces that its main subsidiaries

have been granted several new awards

and additional works of existing contracts

for a total amount of USD 730 million

for licensing, engineering services and Engineering,

Procurement & Construction services.

These contracts have been awarded by

some of the most remarkable international clients

located in Europe, Middle East, South East Asia and Americas.

Among the new acquisitions,

Tecnimont S.p.A. has been awarded an EPC contract

by Abu Dhabi Polymer Company (Borouge)

for a new polypropylene unit (PP5 Project)

in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, in the UAE.

Borouge is the joint venture between

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC),

one of the world's largest oil and gas companies, and


a leading Austrian international producer

of petrochemical and plastics solutions.

The scope of work relates to

a new Polypropylene Unit (PP5),

having a maximum production capacity

of 480,000 tons per year,

and associated facilities, to be integrated

within the existing Borouge 3 Complex.

The project completion is expected by the end of 2021.

Maire Tecnimont Group has been supporting

the development of Abu Dhabi’s petrochemical value chain

since the late 90s,

with the first Borouge polyolefin complex (Borouge 1)

completed in 2001. The Group carried out

two additional expansion projects

in 2007 and 2010 (Borouge 2 and Borouge 3, respectively).

This new EPC contract - which follows

the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) phase

already successfully completed by Tecnimont –

confirms the Group’s outstanding world leadership

in polyolefins and further consolidates

its industrial footprint in one of its historical markets

in the Middle East.

Pierroberto Folgiero,

Maire Tecnimont Group Chief Executive Officer

"The UAE is our second home and

 we have a deep knowledge of the market and its players:

 it is one of the most suitable environments

 for a technology-driven EPC contractor such as our Group”   

“We are honoured to contribute once again

 to Abu Dhabi’s development plans, and to further

 strengthen a mutually beneficial partnership

 with a prestigious client such as Borouge.”


Media Relations

Image Building

Simona Raffaelli,

Alfredo Mele,

Alessandro Zambetti

Tel +39 02 89011300


Tags : Tecnimont  S.p.A.  has  been  awarded  an  EPC  contract  by  Abu  Dhabi  Polymer  Company Borouge  for  a  new  polypropylene  unit   capacity  480000  MTA  PP5  Project  Borouge 3  in  Ruwais  Abu  Dhabi  in  the  UAE  by  chemwinfo


พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-1625-1625
พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

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พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

พื้นที่โฆษณา  โทร. 08-3199-2888

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